Monday, September 22, 2008

Will the Newspaper Ever Disappear?

"The Future of the Newspaper"

"Can a newspaper survive in this era? Will newspapers be around?" This question posed by Karl Fisch from "The Fischbowl" concerns the development of technology and how we receive our news. Today, it is very easy and convenient to get the latest news online. It is up-to-date and all the information you could possibly want to know is right there. Plus, you get to pick and choose what stories you want to read, instead of getting all of them. So having a newspaper delivered to you everyday is pointless because you don't need it. But, if less people subscribe to newspapers and use the Internet, then reporters and journalists loose their jobs because their service isn't needed anymore. On the other hand, a problem with relying on the Internet is that some things are not valid and cannot be relied on as factual evidence. Being able to get news online isn't a new concept, but it's the idea that something you use everyday could suddenly disappear that is unsettling. The unknown future scares a lot of people, and it's even harder when something you are so familiar with is one day gone.

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