Monday, September 15, 2008

New Hybrid Bikes Promise a Better Commute

"Commuters beat the high price of gas with hybrid electric bikes"
From the Rocky Mountain News, I came across an article entitled “Commuters beat the high price of gas with hybrid electric bikes”. Currently, the news of global warming is such a big deal, so I thought that this story was interesting because it gave a positive outlook on how people are changing their lifestyle in order to help the planet. For the most part, it seems as if only negative news about our Earth is told, but people seem to overlook what good things are being done re guarding out planet. This article shows that by altering how you commute to work, the Earth will benefit from it. Not only will pollution decrease, you can save $25 to $30 each week on gas, and you get exercise. Obviously, this solution is very helpful. I think there will be an increase in sells for the hybrid bikes. Some people may not see the need to buy a Hybrid bike, and just ride a normal one. But, whether you have a hybrid electric bike or a regular bike you are helping out the environment and that’s all that matters.

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